June 11, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes

 Sullivan County Funding Corporation
One Cablevision Center
Ferndale, New York  12734
(845) 295-2603 — telephone
(845) 295-2604 — fax 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013 

I.         CALL TO ORDER

Chairman Steingart called to order the special meeting of the Sullivan County Funding Corporation at approximately 9:48 A.M., which was held in the Legislative Committee Room at the Sullivan County Government Center, Monticello, New York. 


            Members Present-                              Members Absent-

Ira Steingart                                         Cindy Garlinghouse

Harris Alport                                          Steve White

Charles Barbuti        

Harold Gold                                                   

Suzanne Loughlin                                  

Sean Rieber

Edward Sykes                                      

(Please note that Mr. Rieber and Mr. Alport arrived approximately        9:50 A.M.) 

            Staff Present-                                             Staff Absent-

            Jennifer C.S. Brylinski, Exec. Dir.               None

            Jen Flad, IDA VP     

Others Present-

Allan C. Scott, ALSCO Management, Inc. /Consultant /IDA CEO

Walter F. Garigliano, Esq., Agency Legal Counsel  

Tara Lewis, Garigliano Law Offices

Dan Hust, Sullivan County Democrat

Cora Edwards, District 6 Legislator

Ken Walter

Star Hesse

Sandy Shaddock 


Mr. Barbuti made a motion to approve the special meeting minutes held on April 26, 2013.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Sykes, the Board voted and the motion was unanimously carried.  




            Mr. Garigliano passed out to the Board a resolution approving the third annual payment of $25,000 to Hudson Valley Agribusiness Development Corporation.  Ms. Brylinski advised the Board that the period of July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014 is the third year of HVADC’s three-year contract.  In the coming months the SCFC will begin preparing its 2014 budget, and Ms. Brylinski asked Board members to consider whether they will seek to extend HVADC’s contract.  Mr. Garigliano asserted that HVADC has been instrumental in the preparation of the food hub RBEG and RBOG grant applications, and will coordinate a CFA application for the same project.  The organization has been working to serve Sullivan County farmers through its Hudson Valley Bounty program.  Chairman Steingart requested that HVADC attend an upcoming board meeting and make a presentation on its work here in the County and regionally.  Mr. Garigliano will arrange this. 

          On a motion by Mr. Sykes, seconded by Mr. Rieber, the Board voted and the resolution was unanimously passed. 

          Mr. Garigliano passed out to the Board a resolution authorizing and approving  Millennium Revolving Loan Fund  to Eureka Market and Café, Inc. and Country House Realty, Inc. together with Eureka Café.  This resolution will assign the current IDA revolving loan to the SCFC under its Millennium Revolving Loan Fund. 

          On a motion by Mr. Rieber, seconded by Mr. Sykes, the Board voted and the resolution was unanimously passed, pending IDA passage of a resolution assigning this loan to the SCFC.           


Mr. Sykes made a motion to approve the Schedule of Payments.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Barbuti, the Board voted and the motion was unanimously carried. 


Mr. Steingart questioned the Board and those present if there were any questions or comments.  There being none, on a motion by Mr. Barbuti, seconded by Mr. Gold, the Board voted and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:00 A.M.  

                                                Respectfully submitted:

                                                Jennifer M. Flad


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